Let's see- what's first. The goat's came home from the fair with snotty noses and coughs so we are giving them injections of antibiotics once a day for 7 days. The rabbits are passing around an infection so they are each getting one injection a week for 3 weeks and we have to bleach all the cages at the beginning of treatment and at the end. The cows are really being bothered by the flies so we are spraying them every day.
The garden is really getting going now- we've had green beans, zucchini, summer squash, red potatoes, carrots, and just this weekend corn!Saturday night we went to the Tin Cups game at Fort Wayne's new Parkview Field. It was so much fun! The facility is beautiful. It was a good game with them pulling off a win in the bottom of the ninth inning. Sunday we took some pictures of the 2 week old Holland Lops. They just opened their eyes and are starting to get out of the nest boxes. They look so cute at this age.
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