I worked this weekend, which wasn't all bad since it was unseasonable rainy and cool here in Indiana. I hope the weather holds for our annual family reunion over Labor Day weekend. We had movie night last night and watched Days of Thunder (TC before it all went to his head and he started jumping on couches!) That movie was made in 1990! How can it be that old! There was a lot of language for a PG13 movie, but it was still much tamer than anything we have now that is PG13. Wonder what we can find to watch tonight?
The kids went back to school this week.
Nicholas was excited to learn a cursive letter his very first day of third grade. If the class behaves during the week they can earn an extra recess on Friday, that sound like a great way to build teamwork!
Rebecca was pleased to learn she is in the pre-algebra Math class instead of 7th grade Math, due to her ISTEP scores. She's also excited they only have ISTEP once this year, in the spring.
Nicholas starts Junior Football League this week. It is the first time he has played, but I'm sure he's going to love it. Rebecca really wants to start her riding lessons again. We'll be looking into that this week. I thought the summer schedule was busy, looks like school year is going to be just as busy! have to keep those weekends free for rabbit shows, though! We entered Hollands, Netherlands, and Silver Fox in the ISRBA Convention show in Sept. Rebecca is going to compete in their Royalty programs, as well. It is very similar to the 4H Ambassador program.
Chris is trying to keep up with the garden- green beans and squash galore. I'm looking for new ways to use zucchini and summer squash if anyone has them! He's also busy making appts to reduce our animal numbers before the fall and get some beef, chicken and turkey in the freezer or sold.
I've been experimenting with the whole wheat flours and natural sugars. I'm having a terrible time with the bread in the breadmaker, everything is either underdone or overdone and none of it is as light as I would like it. I will try another recipe tonight. I made some zucchini bread using whole wheat flour and molasses. I thought it was ok, but very different. Chris loved it!
2 months ago
I'm incredibly impressed by your culinary adventures!