So on the hottest day of the summer so far we spent 12 hours at the Fair! It was too hot to enjoy all the poor food choices I was looking forward to making. Rebecca had to be at the Rabbit Building to register at 8am. The Rabbit Ambassador Competition started at 9am and we could have no contact with her until she was finished. So we dropped her off, hooked her up with a friend who would calm her nerves and Chris and I were off to explore. Nicholas had spent the night with my sister in Noblesville. I have to thank Jessica- it was great to be able to concentrate on Rebecca for her big day.
Before we knew it my sister called and said they were parked and she was headed in with Nicholas, Marielle and Beckett. We checked in on Rebecca but she was still busy, so we headed off to show Marielle some animals. By the time Rebecca was finished around noon, we had already eaten and seen all the animals and it was really HOT!
Rebecca said she felt pretty good about the competition- the test was shorter than it had been at the county level. She thought it was sneaky that all the rabbits they used for the Breed ID portion were black rabbits! She still felt her showmanship was her downfall- something for her to work on. So we headed out into the heat again so Rebecca could see what she wanted to see and get something to eat.
About 300pm Jessica and the kids were over-done so they headed home with Nicholas to get into the AC and rest. We stayed at the Fair with Rebecca and tried to stay cool until the awards program at 6pm and release of rabbits after that. I didn't do a very good job- it seemed like a no win situation- it was too hot outside, but going in and out of air-conditioning wasn't a good idea, either. I think Chris just wanted to leave me somewhere- I had a migraine by 5 and was so nauseous. But we all survived and by the time the program started I was feeling better, thank goodness.
The Awards Program
We had 4 girls from Whitley County competing
Novice Grades 3 - 4 (28 total) our competitor was Runner Up
Junior grades 5-6 (28 total) Rebecca was in the Honors Group
Intermediate grades 7-8 (29 total) our contestant was in the Honors Group
Senior grades 9-10 (22 total) our contestant was 5th
Master grades 11-12(20 total) we didn't have a competitor
All in all a fantastic finish for Whitley County! We are so proud of Rebecca for taking this opportunity and doing a great job.
We left the fair at 730pm, picked Nicholas up, and ate diner at Olive Garden once we had cooled off and got our appetites back. We had a very kind friend and neighbor taking care of all the animals at home for us. I had to be at work at 730 this morning, but Chris didn't mention losing any animals in this horrible heat. We can't thank our friend enough. We wouldn't haven't been able to get Rebecca to Indy to compete if it weren't for her capable care at home. Thank you everyone!