Where has the time gone? I can't believe it is the middle of June already! Our big news if that we found a feed producer in Honeyville, IN that is making non-GMO feed. We have switched our hogs and poultry to non-GMO feed and are very excited about that change.
We have finished a batch of 25 meat chickens and have 50 more coming this week. Our new pullets have been integrated with the flock but are not exactly comfortable yet. They are still trying to hide from the 'older' girls. If all goes well our egg production this fall should be fantastic! Non-GMO, free range fresh brown eggs and non-GMO pastured chicken. Wow. How far we have come in a year!
We have 2 'hatchings' of Bourbon Red turkeys already outside and growing well. they should be ready for thanksgiving, which seems like a long way off but will be here before we know it!
We quit collecting the duck eggs because there were just laying too many. Now they have built there own nests and are setting. One built her nest under the rabbits! I had to add an extra pan to the stack of cages so she would quit getting 'soiled' from the rabbits above! I wonder how many ducklings we will have waddling around soon? Do you think they will do a better job than our incubator does?
The pigs are really gaining. They are also so much fun. Chris and Nicholas were putting the hay tarp on last week and the pigs were helping! Three of the pigs grabbed on to a corner of the tarp and started pulling while Chris and Nicholas were on the other corner! You should have heard those two laughing and calling to the pigs to 'pull'. Priceless.
The heifers and steers are very happy with all this rain, they have plenty of grass to eat all day long. We also still give them hay to keep things balanced, but they sure enjoy that green grass. Right now the goats are in the same pasture as the cows. They keep their distance from each other but are doing fine. The goats like to eat the hay from the top of the bale! They jump right up on those round bales and munch away.
That just leaves the rabbits. Rebecca counted yesterday and we have an even 100 rabbits. Sure seem likes more at watering and feeding time! They are all doing well, considering the heat. We have had lots of babies and they are growing like crazy. Only one show this month and then nothing until the Whitley County Fair and State Fair followed quickly by the IN State RBA Convention.
The gardens are growing with all the rain we have had. We had 5" last Friday alone. Lots of standing water around here. Our garden beds are on a hill with grass inbetween so we didn't have anything wash away except for the driveway!
Thanks for checking in!
2 months ago
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