Check out! About half way down the page on the far right side -our first ad! This was a surprise for us from the website owner who is a friend of ours. We are very excited and hope it generates some business.
Casey is now in the freezer. We have had some steaks and some ground beef. It is very lean and tasty. Now I just need to get my kids to stop naming everything we eat Casey! "Is this Casey Chili?" "Are these Casey Hamburgers?" They think it's cute, but I'm not so sure. They sure don't feel that way when I try to get them to eat chicken or rabbit!
Still keeping busy around here. Trying to get ready for winter which sure feels like it will be here soon with these lower temps and all the rain we are getting.
We managed to get all of us vaccinated for the seasonal flu, finally. I can get the H1N1 at the hospital, now I just have to figure out how to get it for Chris and the kids.
The weekend before last our good friends suddenly had two tickets to the PU football game they couldn't use. Thankfully they thought of us, again! Rebecca and I already had plans to go to a rabbit show. Chris took Nicholas to his first "real" football game and to see the fraternity where he lived. It was a long day, but I think they really enjoyed themselves. Unfortunately, Purdue gave away another football game, but it is always exciting just to be in the stadium.
Last weekend we had dinner at a friends house and played cards. Nicholas ran off to box with her son. Rebecca played cards and probably heard more "adult" conversation than she should have, but we had a lot of fun.
We lost a small Silver Fox and a little Holland this week. they are at that 2 week mark where their eyes are open and they are starting to get out of the box and explore. I don't know if they got their little feet caught in the wire floor or if they just couldn't get back in the box and got too cold. There is always something, it is so aggravating.
I'm working this weekend, but Chris and the kids may be off to another rabbit show. There is a Silver Fox Specialty with this one, so one more opportunity for Sterling. We have some really cute Netherland Dwarfs that are ready to sell and some more Hollands.
2 months ago
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