We survived! And I think each day is more enjoyable than the day before. Friday was the dairy show. Rebecca showed a total of 3 cows. She ended up with the Grand Champion Guernsey. It was fun because she showed Diana last year as well but didn't take the Grand. Friday night was the 4H parade and then the motor cross in the grandstand.
Today was the rabbit show and we did much better than I expected. Rebecca showed 8 rabbits in 3 breeds and a single fryer. Our Silver Fox doe was Best of Breed, our buck was Best Opposite. In the Hollands she won Best Opposite of Variety in broken AND Best Opposite of Variety solid. She only showed one Netherland Dwarf, he won first in Siamese Smoke Pearl but not the shaded variety. The judge really liked his body, though. He said he had the best Netherland body there now we just need to breed for a better head! The Silver Fox doe got to go back for best 6 Class rabbit, but she was beat by a very nice New Zealand doe who went on to win Best In Show. her single fryer was a little light, but he didn't have anything bad to say about him. He was just a little soft through the mid-section. I was extremely pleased with her performance overall. One of the Californian does we sold to a first year 4Her went Best Opposite, so that was great, too. She was one very happy little girl. Our breeding program is getting better just when we decide to get out of that breed! I couldn't talk Rebecca into doing showmanship, she was just too tired. So we came home and "rested" for an hour, then did our own chores and headed back for the first night of Demolition Derby.
Now we are off to bed to get some rest before the beef show tomorrow. Rebecca's steer is in class 69 out of 82 classes, so I don't think we need to rush to get there. I'll try to get pictures posted soon.
2 months ago
Way to go with GC Guernsey!! And on all your rabbit winnings!! ba-da-bing!! Anxious to hear how you do on your other entries.