What a weekend! Friday when I got home I was so tired so I went to take a nap and woke up at 730! Nobody even came to check on me! Refreshed and re-energized I decided we should hit the drive-in movie in Huntington. It was a beautiful night, cool with just enough of a breeze to keep the mosquitoes away. We made it through the Transformers, but then it was after midnight so we headed for home. A Sheriff's deputy started following us in town for no apparent reason. I think he would have followed us all the way home, until we happened upon an accident and he had to let us go so he could help those poor folks.
Saturday we were supposed to go to the Farmer's Market. Unfortunately, we sold all our eggs earlier in the week and the lettuce fried in the heat. We need to get our production ramped up! We worked in the garden instead. the kids and I weeded and weeded while Chris re-tilled some areas. He got second plantings of green beans, beets and carrots in the ground, and a lot more sweet corn, too. By then we were all hot and tired so it was off to drop in on our friends who live on Loon Lake for a refreshing swim and visit.
Rebecca had an appointment to work with her dairy cows Saturday night. Here is a picture of Diana. She is a dry yearling Guernsey that Rebecca will be showing for the second year. The kids worked the cows in the yard instead of in the pasture the cows are used to and they did much better! Remember that- get them out of their element and they might behave better- think we could apply that theory to children? Rebecca also worked her junior steer, Bubba, after we got home.
Wonder what they are talking about?!?
Sunday was a cleaning day. I power washed the kennel while the kids tried to muck out the cow pen in the barn. It was very wet and Rebecca and Nicholas were not getting along, to say the least. It didn't take long for me to lose my temper, and boy did I ever. So we called it quits and everyone showered so we could head to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We needed to pick up an old pigeon house they were letting us "free-cycle" into a chicken house. The photo at the top is of the generation hand -off!
Nicholas can be such a great helper when he wants to. Here he is hanging the bird feeders he refilled for Grandma.
PS. Yes, we did get the pigeon house safely home and unloaded!