Friday, January 29, 2010

Our "Nursery"

Here are our three January litters. After our December losses and lessons learned with the cold the nest boxes are coming in this month. We take them out to their Mommas to nurse in the morning and then keep them warm the rest of the day. We need to clean the boxes and give them fresh straw this weekend so we'll post some baby pics soon.

Monday, January 25, 2010

January litters

Several litters born last week. After losing so many in December due to the cold I decided we were bringing nestboxes in this time. So every night we bring the boxes in the house to stay warm and take them back out in the morning so Mommas can nurse their babies. It did warm up so we can leave them out more during the day, but we are still bringing them in every night.

Cybil's 3 Hollands born on Jan 18 are doing great. looks like a broken black and two REWs.

Sasha, a Silver Fox had 8 on Tues Jan 19 in the morning.

Blue Belle is a spas Holland- she is always flying around her cage so I was concerned about breeding her in the first place. She delivered 3 Tues night, but 2 were peanuts. Peanuts are a result of breeding two true dwarf rabbits - the kits get a double dwarf gene and rarely live for more than a few days. The good thing is that now I know Blue Belle and Dare Devil are both true dwarfs!

Sylvia, Silver Fox, had 3 live kits Wed morning, and several more dead ones throughout the day, I think we found 9 total. By the end of the day there were only 2 still with us.

Wednesday night I was trying to decide what to do, I knew Blue Belle was not taking care of hers like I wanted and I was worried that the two peanuts wouldn't be enough mass to keep the other kit warm. I decided that Thursday we would need to do some fostering, but I was too late. All three of Blue Belles were gone Thurs am. We also decided to foster some of Sasha's 8 to Sylvia to even their loads out. Anybody have a good way to mark black kits whewn you foster them?!? Usually we mark the ears, but their ears are black and nothing shoews up! We colored a front foot, hope we can still find it!

Emme, Onawa, Google, and Lucy all missed- so they are re-bred now. Diana just weaned a litter and Blue Belle lost hers, so I will re-breed both of them next week. So hopefully more babies in February! I like to have at least 2 does due the same day so you have back-up in case something happens. So far it is working very well, as long as I decide quickly enough what to do! So many lessons to learn.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Cybil ( x Zoom) is the first to deliver!

Three kits born sometime between 6 and 8pm. A broken black, and two surprises. She has thrown a REW before so we will have to see when the fur comes in. Why is it my only doe with a nasty personality is my most consistent producer?!? I really do not like her, keep saying I'm going to get rid of her, then she gives me babies! After my cold weather lessons last month I am not taking any chances and brought the nestbox inside. I hope I don't make her mad and that she will nurse them when I bring them back to her.

Hopefully more updates tomorrow!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Time for new homes

Check out my sister's blog to hear how the grey kitten got a new home!

We also placed a ND buck in a 4H home and a sable point Holland doe in a pet home. It makes it all worth it so see the looks of joy on these kids face when they pick their new friend.

Babies due this week so hopefully I'll have some new pics soon.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cold Weather Lessons... we've learned the hard way

1. Newborn rabbits really are wet and will not survive in 9 degree temps no matter how soon you find them.
2. Metal chicken waterers are not a good idea, even on a heater- the chickens combs freeze to the metal above!
3. Breaking the ice out of water dishes is really painful on your wrists at about #36 ( we have 65 to break daily).
4. Cats will use the barn floor for a litter box when it is cold and snowy.
5. Cows look really funny eating hay when they are covered with snow that does not melt on their backs
6. Metal chicken feeders are not a good idea either- they go from the water straight to feed and freeze again!
7. There are never enough dry hats and gloves for 4 people
8. The tire on the tractor will go flat when you have 6" of snow to plow before your wife gets home from work
9. It is not possible to plow snow with a flat tire on the tractor
10. Life on a farm with animals is very educational in every season!